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Yuba-Sutter Monthly Food Distribution

Free meals for students
Our Mission
As the keystone of rural education, rich in natural resources and deeply connected to one another, the land and our global community, W-RESD will inspire and challenge students to achieve academic excellence and personal goals, develop character and confidence, and instill habits of learning that will sustain them throughout life...
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Children in California have the right to a free and appropriate education. Find out what you need to know about enrolling your child in one of our two schools, including age and immunization requirements, inter- and intradistrict requests, change of address and more.
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Board of Trustees
Meet our five school board members, read agendas and minutes, and plan to attend our board meetings to learn about educational matters important to your family.
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We urge all parents and guardians to participate in school activities by joining the Parents’ Clubs, the Site Councils, or volunteering in the classrooms, libraries, or playgrounds. Together we can bring about the highest degree of achievement for all our students.
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