Daily school attendance is the first step in helping children to do their best. When children miss school, they miss valuable learning time. Because our first order of business each morning is an all-school flag salute and important announcements, it is imperative that all students be on time every day. In addition, school districts are funded based on Average Daily Attendance, not the number of students who are enrolled.Our district attendance has gone from approximately 98% to 95% due to a high number of absences, and this greatly affects the amount of money the schools get to operate from the state. We appreciate your cooperation in improving this percentage.
A student who is late in excess of thirty (30) minutes will be considered truant. Three truant tardies will be considered one day absent. Tardy students must check in at the school office.
Daily attendance records are kept on each student in the Winship-Robbins Elementary School District. We attempt to contact the parents of all students who are absent each day. After the first 45 days of enrollment, all students who have 6 excused or 3 unexcused absences will receive a letter requesting medical verification for all future absences. You must call and send a note every day your child is absent. Excessive absenteeism will result in a district attendance contract.
Parents who wish to sign their child out of school before dismissal time must report to the office. The office will send for the child and the parent will be required to sign the child out. Please do not go to the child's classroom.
When possible, please make dentist and doctor appointments after school. If you find it necessary to check your student out for medical or personal appointments, please try doing so in the afternoon, to avoid missing core instructional time in ELA and math.
State law (Ed. Code 48213) requires that children must be excluded from school for these reasons:
- Contagious health problems, including lice. Head lice causes children to miss important class time if not cleared up right away. Parents are expected to treat, remove all eggs (nits) and return the pupil to school the next day.
- Lack of immunization
- Parents may contact the school or county public health department on communicable diseases such as chicken pox, pink eye, or hepatitis if unsure of when students may return to school.