Admissions & Enrollment
AdmissionTop of Page
Children in California have the right to a free and appropriate education. California state law provides the following:
Districts must admit children at the beginning of the school year (or whenever they move into a district) if they will be five years of age on or before December 2 of the school year (EC Section 48000[a]).
EnrollmentTop of Page
To enroll a student the following is required:
- A birth certificate or equivalent
- Evidence of immunizations
California law requires every new student be immunized against diphtheria, tetanus, polio, whooping cough, mumps, measles, German measles, chicken pox, and Hepatitis B. Students without immunization records must be excluded from attending school. Students entering 7th and 8th grade must have received the new Tdap booster. As of August 2019, there is no grace period or extension. Under current law, schools do not have the option to provide a grace period. All 7th grade students will need to show proof of Tdap immunization or submit an exemption before starting the 2012-13 school year and all future school years.
For kindergarteners only: California law requires each child within 90 days of entrance into the first grade to provide a certificate approved by the Department of Health Services to the school where the child is to enroll. This certificate documents that within the prior 18 months the child has received the appropriate health screening and evaluation services. Registration forms may be obtained at the district or school office.
Only a parent or legal guardian may enroll a child in school. If there are questions, please see the site administrator.
Inter-District & Intra-District RequestsTop of Page
Children in the Winship-Robbins Elementary School District may be granted requests to transfer to a different district. Students residing outside the district may be granted requests to attend school at the Winship-Robbins school site. Please click here for the appropriate form. Ask for board policies at the school site office.
Change of AddressTop of Page
Please notify the school of any change of address and/or telephone numbers, including other adults listed as emergency contacts. In case of an emergency, updated information is critical.